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Resources for Students
The Dean of Students Office suggests a number of helpful resources.
Here are a few to check out:
Have a campus issue and don’t know where to go? Here4U is digital assistance on the go. For basic issues, receive instant resources to address the situation. For more complex issues, answer a few questions and then hear back from someone who’s knowledgeable on the issue. Quickly and easily share feedback, thoughts, suggestions, and enter service requests. -
Resources4U is the university's hub for resources aimed at helping UMass Boston students succeed. -
The mission of U-ACCESS is to help students overcome a lack of basic resources, such as housing or food insecurities, so that they can achieve academic success here at UMass Boston. U-ACCESS works one-on-one with students to navigate non-academic barriers in the hopes that they can have access to the tools and resources they need to successfully complete their degrees. -
Resources for Students who are parents or parents to be
Resources and accommodations are available to students who are parents or parents to be. -
Religious Observances
In order to receive accommodation for religious observance, please submit the notice of absence form from our forms webpage. -
Off Campus Living
The mission of the office of Off-Campus Living is to assist current and prospective UMass Boston students in making informed decisions throughout the housing search process to locate and obtain quality affordable housing in the Boston area. They not only help support off-campus and commuter students through their housing transition, but also in finding more ways to engage in the UMass Boston community. -
Beacon-To-Beacon Conflict Resolution
University life is exciting, challenging and fun! New environment, diverse students, and exciting experiences. At times, however, university life becomes stressful and differences between people can lead to conflict. The Beacon-to-Beacon conflict resolution team are students who are here to empower fellow students to handle these situations and more. -
Support Resources for the UMass Boston Community
At the University of Massachusetts Boston, everyone deserves to be safe, supported, and respected. In this spirit of inclusivity, Student Affairs has developed a list of resources for individuals who are impacted by the actions of our current federal government. -
Campus Police
The University of Massachusetts Boston Police Department is committed to providing a safe and secure environment in which the students, faculty, staff, and visitors will be able to learn, teach, work, and visit. They provide 24/7 assistance and can be reached at 617-287-1212. -
University Health Services
University Health Services is committed to providing quality physical and mental health services to students, education, and outreach to promote and enhance the wellbeing of our campus community. Programs are aimed at promoting optimal physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Services are designed to increase awareness of health related issues, assist students with making responsible decisions relative to health promotion and disease prevention, and provide quality health care to the University of Massachusetts Boston students. -
Counseling Center
The UHS Counseling Center is comprised of a group of social workers and psychologists who are committed to making sure that all students have access to good mental health and wellness care, regardless of their background or how they identify. They work with students across various ethnic, national, socioeconomic and religious backgrounds, and across diverse gender identities and sexual orientations. Their services can include individual or group therapy, meeting with their consulting psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner for medication, or letting them help you with a referral to a mental health provider in the community or to another support service on campus. -
Ross Center for Disability Services
The mission of the Ross Center is to serve as a resource for the UMass Boston campus community in order to ensure academic and housing access and inclusion for students by promoting a view of disability informed by social, cultural, and political forces. The Ross Center strives to create inclusive academic environments by advancing universal design throughout the university. They accomplish this by providing academic accommodations, resources, and training in assistive technology, and information to increase the understanding of disability throughout the university community. -
Academic Support Services
To help keep you on track, Academic Support Services and Undergraduate Studies offers you academic support in a variety of areas. Outstanding advising, academic support, and opportunities for enrichment are also available through your college and through the college-based success communities. -
Writing Center
The Writing Center provides free services for undergraduate and graduate students to support their academic and professional writing at any stage of the writing process. We offer individual writing consultations in person and online where we work collaboratively with writers and provide feedback on any writing, from class essays to cover letters to theses and dissertations to manuscripts for publication and anything in between. We also facilitate writing groups, writing retreats, workshops, and other programming. -
Graduate Writing Center
Students who are in the process of completing graduate coursework at UMass Boston, and who wish to develop their paper writing process, graduate-level research skills, and/or understanding of the general expectations associated with graduate study, should consider signing up for conferences with the Graduate Writing Center. -
Subject Tutoring and Math Resource Center
The Subject Tutoring Program offers free individual and/or group tutoring for students enrolled in many 100- and 200-level courses in the College of Science and Mathematics and in the College of Liberal Arts. -
Financial Peer Educators
Are you controlling your finances or are they controlling you? Meet with a peer educator about financial goal setting, banking basics, budgeting, credit education, debt repayment education, and saving as well as retirement education. Questions? Email: financialwellness@sovab-presse.com. -
H&R Block My Free Taxes offers online tax return support. MFT-OnePager_with_content.pdf.
- Ombuds Services is a confidential resource for any UMass Boston community member experiencing a university-related problem, conflict, or concern. The Ombudsperson can help you think through complex issues, understand your options, and consider next steps. Where appropriate the Ombuds can provide practical assistance toward a resolution. As a confidential, informal, impartial, and independent third party, the Ombuds is unbiased and "off-the-record." Call 617-506-9449 or email ombuds@sovab-presse.com to schedule a phone, Zoom, or in-person appointment.
Campus Center, Floor 2
If this is an emergency call the UMass Boston Police at 617.287.7777